


How you present yourself to the world is important:

A woman's confidence is captivating, it is powerful and does not fade and that is endlessly more interesting than beauty. She may not be the most stunningly gorgeous women I have ever seen, but she has a way about her that can make her one of the most intriguing. I will watch as she moves with poise and self-possession. She is not usually the one in the plain black dress. She is the one in the interesting shirt and the vintage skirt, and I  immediately want to know where she got them.

The first and most important step is developing style that projects this kind of confidence. The kind of confidence that tells others you respect yourself, love yourself and dress up for yourself and nobody-else.  ‘You are your own muse ‘. Style comes from knowing who you are and who you want to be in the world .It does not come from wanting to be somebody else or wanting to be thinner, shorter, taller, prettier. Many of the most stylish women in the world have not been great beauties, but they have all drawn from an enormous amount of self –confidence. They made us think they were beautiful simply by believing it themselves. They did not let anyone else define them: they defined themselves. When a woman embraces her “imperfections”, they can become her greatest strengths ,definers of her character and spirit . When she plays up her weaknesses and draws you to her flaws, she makes them special, attractive and even enviable.

Your beauty should be fueled from something inside of you ,that doesn’t mean you don't care about your looks but it shows you comfortable in your skin  and who  you are .Think Lauren Hutton and her gap toothed smile .Think Frida Kahlo and her unibrow. Think Barbra Streisand and her  Grecian nose .  Noni Gasa known for her freckles on her face .These women are an example of imperfection turned to her greatest strength .
                                                                    Lauren Hutton 

Frida Kahlo 

                                                                                                                                                                              Barbra Streisand

Noni Gasa 

What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today, when human contacts are so quick. Fashion is instant language. - Miucca Prada

The instant language is much smarter than it gets credit for at times .They are just clothes, shoes, and bags, you could say. And people do say it, day after day. But I think they are more than just clothes, shoes and bags .They are a large part of a woman’s character and tell us a bit of her story without saying a word.

I personally have always found women with amazing style are powerful ,intriguing and yes even intelligent . They know who they are and what they want to project upon the world . These women understand that what they put on in the morning is the first thing people notice about them . It tells the world a bit of their story. And ,more important, their clothes affect how they feel about themselves throughout the day .When you choose according to you inner muse, you will project an aura of confidence and self – assuredness that nobody else can touch .

I was not ugly .I might never be anything for men to lose their heads about ,but I need never again be  ugly. If you were healthy ,fit and well dressed ,you could be attractive .

Strive to be your own Muse …